Md. Shahidul Islam*1, Hasnat Ara1, Kazi Ishtiaq Ahmad2, Md. Mayin Uddin2

1Department of Pharmacy, University of science and Technology Chittagong (USTC), Foy’s Lake, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

2Department of Pharmacy, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22270/ujpr.v4i1.236  


Euphorbiaceae is an important family which contains numerous medicinal plants. Most of the people in developing countries still today, relays on traditional medicine based largely on species of plants in human being and animals for their primary healthcare. The family Euphorbiaceae is one of the largest family of flowering plants comprising of plants with over 300 genera and 8,000 species. Acalyphaindica L, Euphorbia hirta L, Euphorbia thymifolia L, Croton bonplandianumbaill, Jatropha gossypifolia L, Ricinus communis L are important plants of this family because these plants have different compounds like alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, saponin, phenolic compounds, fatty acid, esters, minerals etc that have showed different activities in human being and animal. This study provides important data for identification of different plants in Euphorbiaceae family. Species of Euphorbiaceae are extensively used as remedies against several diseases and complaints such as cancer, diabetes, diarrhoea, heart diseases, hemorrhages, hepatitis, jaundice, malaria, ophthalmic diseases, rheumatism and scabies etc.

Keywords: Activity, Euphorbiaceae, medicinal plants, uses.


Plants for human healthcare still remain the most widely used medication system in developing and least developed nation. Population rise, insufficient supply of drugs, unaffordable cost of treatments, side effects of several allopathic drugs and development of resistance to currently used drugs for diseases have led to increased emphasis on the use of plant materials as a source of medicines for wide variety of human ailments1. Different types of plants used to treat various types of diseases that reveals the most up to date findings in understanding of biological significance of their bioactive compounds used2. Recently, dramatic changes have taken place in the health care system of world population through the development of science, technology and medical science but till to day 400 crores of people of the world are totally dependent on herbal medicines.

Despite all the progress in synthetic chemistry and biotechnology, plants are still in an indispensible source of medicinal preparations both preventive and curative. WHO consultative body of medicinal plants has formulated a definition of medicinal plants in the following way, “a medicinal plant is any plant which in one or more of its organ, contains substances that can be used for therapeutic purposes or which is a precursor for synthesis of useful drugs”2. Medicinal plants, also called medicinal herbs, include a various types of plants used in herbalism and some of these plants have a medicinal activities. These medicinal plants are considered as a rich resources of ingredients which can be used  in drug development  and synthesis3. Besides that these plants play a critical role in the development of human cultures around the whole world4. The uses of plants in the indigenous cultures particularly of developing countries, are numerous and diverse, forming an important socio-economic base5. Phytochemistry is the study of photochemical produced in plants, describing the isolation, purification, identification, and structure of the large number of secondary metabolic compounds found in plants6. The Euphorbiaceae, the spurge family, is a large family of flowering plants. In common English, they are sometimes called euphorbias, which is also the name of a genus in the family. The Euphorbiaceae are mostly monoecious herbs, shrubs, and trees, sometimes succulent and cactus-like, comprising one of the largest families of plants with about 300 genera and 7,500 species7.

The main aim of this review study was to investigate the secret behind the medicinal uses of the plants of Euphorbiaceae family, to find out other medicinal uses which could be present in the plant to establish a scientific data on its medicinal value. Therefore, taking into consideration the traditional uses of the plant and facilities available for conducting the study, this research work was performed on the Euphorbiaceae plants family. The principle aim of the present study was to investigate the scientific basis of the traditional uses of the plants. Euphorbiaceae family of plants was studied for other medicinal uses possible and to find out the chemical groups present in the active plant parts to get priliminary idea about the active constituents. The Euphorbiaceae has 65 genera and 577 species accepted taxa overall. But Acalypha indica L, Euphorbia hirta L, Euphorbia thymifolia L, Croton bonplandianum baill, Jatropha gossypifolia L, Ricinus communis L are important of this family because these plants shown different activity for different diseases. Plants have remarkable medicinal and traditional uses.


The total description and the medicinal uses of the plants of theApocynaceae family are given below:

Habit: Small herb, rarely sub-shrub.

Habitat: Waste, moist and shady places and river banks

Flower color: Olive green.

Flowering season: December-April.

Figure 1: Acalypha indica L.

Parts utilized

 Leaves, stem, flowers, rootsand seeds

Medicinal uses


Habit: Shrub.

Habitat: Gardens where it is cultivated as an ornamental plant.

Flower colour: Red.

Flowering season: December-February.

Figure 2: Euphorbia hirta L.

Parts utilized 

Leaves, stem and rootsand flower

Medicinal uses


Habit: Herb.

Habitat: Open sunny places.

Flower color: Reddish-purple.

Flowering season: April-August.

Figure 3: Euphorbia thymifolia L.

Parts utilized

Leaves, roots, flowers and whole plant.

Medicinal Uses


Figure 4: Croton bonplandianumbaill

Habit: herb.

Habitat: Dry and sandy exposed areas.

Flower color: White.

Flowering season: April-September

Parts utilized:

Leaves, fruits and flowers.

Medicinal uses


Habit: Shrub.

Habitat: Open sunny places.

Flower colour: Reddish-purple.

Flowering season: April-August.

Figure 5: Jatropha gossypifolia L.

Parts utilized

Leaves, flowers and root

Medicinal uses


Habit: Small tree.

Habitat: Dry and sandy expose areas.

Flower color: Red.

Flowering season: April-September.

Parts Utilized: Whole plants, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds.

Figure 6: Ricinus communis L.

Medicinal uses


The review given here is to be used for identification of the medicinal and economical plants commercially. Active principles isolated from different plants can be utilized as leads for further drug development by the pharmaceutical industry. This study provides important data for identification of different plants in Euphorbiaceae family. This review will be benificial for many researchers for their work on plants of Euphorbiaceae family.


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Table 1: Plants chemical components and activities

Plants Name

Parts Used

Chemical components

Shows activity against diseases


Leaves, stem, flowers, roots and seeds.

Alkaloids, catachols, phenolic compounds, flavinoids, saponin, steroids and tannin.

Analgesic, anti-inflammatory activity, antiulcer activity, anti oxidant capacity, antidiabetic activity, post-coital anti-fertility activity, antimicrobial activity, antibacterial, phytochemical activity7.

Euphorbia hirtaL

Leaves, stem and roots and flower.


Quercitrin, myricitrin, quercetin, leucocyanidin, quercitol, friedelin, kaempferol, maleic acid, tartaric acid, rutin, α-amyrin.

Antidiarrheal activity, anti-inflammatory activity, anti-malarial, anti-tumor activity, hypertensive, hepatoprotective, antioxidant, anti-microbial, hypoglycemic, antimutagenic activities, antifungal, antibacterial activities, cytotoxicity, immune regulatory activity protein inhibition against cancer cell, antifungal, photosynthetic activity, healing wound, platelet aggregation, anti hyperglycemic activity as herbicide, fungicide, antiulcer activity, antibiotic in medicines, anticancer, antiparasitic, antiallergenic activity, antispasmodic activity8.

Euphorbia thymifoliaL

Leaves, roots, flowers and whole plant.

Quercetin galactoside, β-amyrin, β-sitosterol, cholesterol, kaempferol, salicylic acidesters, n-alkanes, sterol, glycoside, Taraxerol, sterols, Crudeprotein, fatandfiber, total carbohydrate, starch, amylase, amylopectin, cellulose, acid insoluble and soluble ash, Macro-minerals viz, Na, K, Ca, Li and micro-minerals viz, Fe, Cu, Mn and Co.

Anti-inflammatory and proven to encourage healthy cell growth and function, analgesic, haemostatic, anti-thrombic, antioxidant, vasoprotective actions, antiviral, anti-allergic, anti-tumour properties, antioxidant, anti-helminthic, antibacterial activities, antidiabetic, anti hyperlipidemic activity, antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, anti-anxiety activity, anti-nociceptive activities9.

Croton bonplandia-num baill

Leaves, fruits and flowers.

1-Dodecene, 1-Dodecanol, 1-Tetradecene, 2, 4-bis (1, 1 dimethylethyl)-phenol Methyl stearate, n-Tetracosanol-1, triterpene e.g. squalene(2,6,10,15,19,23hexamethyltetracosa 2,6,10,14,18,22-hexaene),linoleate e.g.octadeca-9,12-dienoic acidoxo (keto), fatty acid esters e.g. methyl 12 oxooctadec-9-enoate, cardenolides, diterpene e.g. phytol, alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, tannins,steroids.

Wound healing activity, anti-tuberculosis activity, anti-fungal activity, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory activity, antibacterial, anti-tubercular, cytotoxic activities, cancer preventive, immune stimulant, chemo preventive, lipoxygenase-inhibitor, pesticide, hypocholesterolemic, nematicide, anti-arthritic, hepatoprotective, anti androgenic, hypocholesterolemic 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, antihistaminic, anti coronary, insectifuge, anti-eczemic, anti-acne10.

Jatropha gossypifolia L

Leaves, flowers and root.


Coumarin, lignoids, diterpenes, flavonoids, fatty acid, lignans, saponin, phenol, glycoside, esters.

Anti-inflammatory activity, antimicrobial activity, antibacterial activities, anti-diarrhoeal activity, anti-fungal activity, phytochemical activity, allelopathic activity, antioxidant activity, analgesic activity.

Ricinus communis L

Wholeplants,leaves,flowers,fruits and seeds.

Palmitic, Stearic, Oleic C18:1n9,

Oleic C18:1n10, Linoleic,Ricinoleic,Dihydroxy stearic acid,Unsaturated fatty acid (UFA), Saturated fatty acid (SFA).


Mutagenicity, cytotoxic and antioxidant activities, anti fertility, antibacterial activity, antimicrobial activity, analgesic activity, catalytic activity, larvicidal activity, resistance-modifying activityin vinblastine-resistant human breast cancer, photosynthetic activity. anti-inflammatory, anticancer activities, insecticidal activities, antifungal activities11.