Sukmawati*image, Dwi Rizka Sari Kaswan, Mamat Pratama

Faculty of Pharmacy,Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar, Indonesia.


Excessive sun exposure causes the epidermal tissue of the skin to be unable to fight negative effects such as skin disorders ranging from mild dermatitis to skin cancer, so skin protection is needed such as the use of sunscreen, many plants in Indonesia contain phenolic and flavonoid contents that can potentially act as sunscreens. This study aims to determine the chemical content of several plants that have potential as sunscreen. Where this research was conducted through data collection from several scientific research journals. The data collection is done online using Google, Google Scholar. Based on the data obtained from several scientific research journals, it can be stated that some plants have the potential to act as sunscreens, by looking at the content they have, namely phenolic and flavonoids. The ethanol extract of 96% of Sembung Rambat Plants (Mikania micrantha Kunth) with an SPF value of 42.8810 with a total flavanoid content of 1.175%.

Keywords: Chemical content, literacy studies, sunscreen, Sun Protection Factor (SPF).




The sun is a source of life for mankind and the earth not always had an impact that profitable because it could create a loss in human skin.Ultraviolet light contained in the sun may hurt the skin.When exposure of the sun is redundant it will cause harmful effects1. Sunlight considered a major factor of various skin problems, ranging from sunburn, skin pigmentation, skin aging, furthermore skin cancer.Leather radiated UV ray will appear darker, wrinkled, dull, dry , arising blackish brown spots, until skin cancer2. The Preparation of ingredients of nature  hasconsidered more safe to use and another negative effectwhich affected fewer more than the use of chemical. Supported by Indonesian natural wealth, the cosmetics industry can use fitoconstituen from diverse plants for an antidote UV light3. Sunscreen preparations are recommended to be used to prevent or minimize the harmful effects of UV rays on the skin. The bad effect of UV rays on the skin is usually can usuallycan be minimized by the use of materials that are UV protective. The bad effects of UV rays on the skin usually cause damage to the skin which can affect one's health and appearance4. Sunscreen content is a substance that contains skin protective ingredients against sunlight so that UV rays cannot enter the skin (preventing skin irritation due to radiation). Sunscreen can protect the skin by spreading sunlight or absorbing solar radiation energy that hits the skin, so that the radiation energy does not directly hit the skin5. Phenolic contents, especially the flavanoid group, have potential as sunscreens because of the presence of chromophore groups (conjugated single double bonds) which can absorb both UVA and UVB rays. Flavonoids show a strong absorption band in the ultraviolet light spectrum and visible light spectrum7. Based on this, researchers are interested in conducting literature review, which about the chemical content of several plants that have the potential as sunscreen1.




Literature review is a method used to collect data or sources related to a particular topic that can be obtained from various sources such as journals, books, the internet and other literature. These libraries are downloaded from several databases such as Science Direct, Pubmed, and Google Scholar. The keywords used in the search for information were "total phenolic and flavanoid contents and sunscreen activity"2.

1. Inclusion criteria

The inclusion criteria of this study include search results on Google Scholar and PubMed with the keywords “total content and sunscreen activity”, the researchers found 15,900 journals that match these keywords. After being selected based on a maximum journal publication period of 10 years (2010-2020), Indonesian and English language journals, original research, national journals, up to 5 journal titles.

2. Exclusion criteria

Based on search results on Google Scholar and PubMed with the keywords “total phenolic contents and flavonoids, and sunscreen”, researchers found 15,900 journals that match these keywords. 7,260 journals were selected and excluded because the time span was below 2010. Then they were screened, 578 journals were excluded because full text articles were not available. Feasibility assessment of 250 full text journals was carried out, journals that were duplicated and did not meet the inclusion criteria were excluded as many as 230 journal titles. Selection of journals based on: extraction method, 96% solvent, total phenolic and flavanoid contents, and sunscreen activity.




Sunscreen is a cosmetic preparation that is used with the intention of reflecting or absorbing UV rays so as to reduce the amount of UV radiation that is harmful to the skin1. Sunscreen content against sunlight so that UV rays cannot enter the skin (preventing skin irritation due to radiation). Sunscreen can protect the skin by spreading sunlight or absorbing solar radiation energy that hits the skin, so that the radiation energy does not directly hit the skin9. Based on its working mechanism, the active ingredients of sunscreens are acting by one of physical blocking mechanism (reflecting solar radiation) and the chemical absorbing mechanism (absorbing solar radiation)3. Physical sunscreens work by reflecting ultraviolet radiation, their ability to block UV rays from penetrating the deepest layers of the skin, namely the dermis tissue and even to the hypodermis by blocking or reflecting and dissipating UV light energy, and is effective in the UV-A and UV-B radiation spectrum, while chemical sunscreens, they mechanism of actionabsorbs ultraviolet radiation by absorbing solar energy radiation before it reaches the skin, can absorb nearly 

95% of UV-B radiation which can cause sunburn (burns)10. Flavonoids have potential as sunscreens because of the presence of chromophore groups that generally give plants their color4. The chromophore group is a conjugated aromatic system that causes the ability to absorb light strongly in the UV light wave length range5, the largest group of phenolic contents are flavonoids. According to a previous research12 using a sample of avocado seeds (Persea americana Mill.) by using the maceration method and using 96% ethanol solvent, based on this research, the total phenolic conten of avocado seeds (Persea americana mill.) was obtained, namely 6, 41 mg and the total flavanoid content of avocado seed (Persea americana Mill. as 1.90 mg, based on the research results obtained the SPF value of ethanol extract of avocado seeds (Persea americana Mill) as the highest SPF value at concentrations of 1000 ppm with an SPF value of 8.02 which belongs to the maximum protection category. According to a previous study samples of corn cobs and hair (Zea mays L.) using the maceration method and using 96% ethanol solvent, based on this research, the total results of phenolic content from corn cobs extract (Zea mays L.) was 20.886 mg/G and the total phenolic content from corn hair extract (Zea mays L.). was 26.060 mg/G, then the Sun Protection Factor value is 7.985 and the SPF value of maize hair extract was 20,784 (Zea mays L.)14,15.



Table 1: The results of a literature study on the chemical content of several plants that have potential as sunscreens.

According to a previous study using a sample of sembung vine (Mikania micrantha Kunth) using the maceration method and using ethanol solvent, based on this research, the total results of the flavonoid content of the sembung creeper (Mikania micrantha Kunth) was 1.175% and the calculation of the value Sun Protection Factor using a concentration of 250 ppm has a good sunscreen activity with a percent value of erythema transmission, a percent value of pigmentation transmission in the sunblock category and an SPF value of 42.8810 with a high protection category12. According to based on research conducted using marpuyan leaf plants (Rhodamnia cinerea Jack.) Using maceration methods and ethanol solvents, while the total marpuyan leaf flavanoid content (Rhodamnia cinerea Jack.) wer.1033 µg/mg and phenolic 0.0983 µg/mg. From this research, the calculation of the value of the Sun Protection Factor showed that the ethanol extract of marpuyan leaves (Rhodamnia cinerea Jack.) had a strong sunscreen activity on a test concentration of 1000 g/mL with an SPF value of 20.7. Fanani, Z, Masithoh, RA, and Wariana KM (2019),ased on research conducted using black rice plants (Oryza Sativa L. Indica) using maceration methods and 96% ethanol solvent, as for the total black rice flavanoid content (Oryza Sativa L. Indica), was 7.75±0.23 mg. From this research, the calculation of the value of the Sun Protection Factor was carried out. The results showed that the ethanol extract of black rice (Oryza Sativa L. Indica) had sunscreen activity with maximum protection obtained at a concentration of 500ppm with an SPF value of 10.37. Based on the results bove, it can be concluded that some plants contain phenolic and flavanoid contents which can be potential as sunscreens15. From several journals with different plants, it showed the highest SPF value, namely the ethanol extract of 96% of Sembung Rambat Plants (Mikania micrantha Kunth) with an SPF value of 42.8810 with a total flavanoid content of 1.175%. The phenolic contents found in plants serve to protect plant tissues against damage caused by solar radiation. Phenolic contents, especially the flavonoid group, have potential as sunscreens because of the presence of chromophore groups that can absorb UV rays, thereby reducing their intensity on the skin12.




Based on several research journals on the chemical content of several plants that have potential as sunscreens, some plants contain phenolic and flavanoid contents. So it can be concluded that some plants can be potential as sunscreens by looking at the presence of phenolic contents and flavonoids contained. The highest Sun Protection Factor value was in the ethanol extract of 96% of the Sembung Rambat Plant (Mikania micranthaunth) using the maceration extraction method with an SPF value of 42.8810 with a total flavanoid  Content f 1.175%.



The researchers would like to thank for the fund assitance from Faculty Of Pharmacy at Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar, Indonesia.




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