Md. Shahidul Islam*image, Liza Deyimage

Department of Pharmacy, University of Science and Technology Chittagong (USTC), Bangladesh.


Methods: The study was conducted on 500 pneumonia patients at the Chittagong Medical College Hospital and Chittagong port city between 23 October 2021 to 8 December, 2021. While the data collection on the hypertension in resource environments has been expanding through use of the standardized surveys, slight is known approximately the how fine treatments are existence applied. The knowledge of gap in the diagnosis, treatment form, and proper vaccination in addition to practicing good fitness is necessary if suitable illness administration is to be developed. 

Results: Studied through roughly questions asked to suspicious the patients in addition to patient’s guardian. Randomized sampling techniques were used to categorize of different ages from the different wards in addition to areas of CMCH and Chittagong port city. It has been found that out of 500 study participants, 277 (55%) were male and 223 (45%) were female. It has been also found that out of 500 participants about (65, 13%) patients suffer from pneumonia due to intake of cigarettes, patients were (292, 44%) suffer from due to bacterial infections, patients were (123, 25%) suffers from pneumonia due to fungi infection, and patients were (90, 18%) suffer from this diseases due to infection of liquor.

Conclusion: This is the brief study conducted in Chittagong Medical College Hospital that assessed Pneumonia patients to recovery complications. It assumes that outcomes of this research work will exertion as the baseline for the future studies in same context.

Keywords: Chittagong Medical College Hospital, pneumonia, survey.




Pneumonia is system of the acute respiratory tract infection (ARTI) which mainly affects our lungs. When specific has pneumonia, alveoli in lungs are the filled with pus in addition to fluid, which brands breathing painful in addition to limits oxygen consumption. Pneumonia has various possible causes; nevertheless the most communal are bacteria in addition to viruses1. The most communal pathogens are the Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influen-zae, in addition to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The S. pneumoniae is most common reason of the bacterial pneumonia in kids under 5 years in developing world. The second greatest common reason of the bacterial pneumonia in kids is Hib, followed by the RSV, most common reason of the viral pneumonia in kids under 2 years 2. The populations greatest at risk for the pneumonia are kids under 5 years, public aged 60 or over, and people the with health problems3. According to the UNICEF/WHO, the Pneumonia is caused by fungi, the bacteria, viruses. This is the principal single murderer of children, claiming lives of the 800,000 children previous year, or one child each 39 seconds. Forecasts illustration 6.3 million kids under age of 5 could die from the pneumonia between 2020 in addition to 2030, on present trends. It should be noted, pneumonia is one of leading reasons of deaths for the children under age of 5. In Bangladesh, the pneumonia took lives of about 17,000 kids under age of the 5 in 2016. Two kids die every hour in Bangladesh due to the pneumonia4. Bangladesh ranked 14th in list of the 15 countries who were listed for great number of the deaths due to the pneumonia, followed by the its South Asian neighbors like India, ranked 2nd with 127,000 in addition to Pakistan, ranked 3rd with 58,000 kid deaths5. The information further stated pneumonia was third the major cause of kid deaths in the year 2017 in Bangladesh6. Bangladesh, pneumonia is the responsible for about 28% of deaths of the children under 5 years of the age. About 50,000 kids die of the pneumonia each year7. Pneumonia was leading cause of the death originate in of wholly deaths of the children aged 5 to the fewer months. The report are exposed that the most of death caused by the knowledge breaks in healthcare exploitation by guardians of the ill children in the rural community of the Bangladesh8. Only a few kids received treatment or else kids who died from the pneumonia had the prolonged duration of the illness previously death9. A kids who died from the pneumonia sought management from the multiple sources more frequently before death than the children who died from the other causes10. Altogether findings recommend that kids who died from the pneumonia had time gap between begin of symptoms in addition to death in which suitable treatment might have been distributed to reduce risk of death. However, in the most cases, suitable stroke was not yielded during this serious timing11. The Aim of this work was to find out the present scenario of pneumonia treatment in Chittagong port city area, Bangladesh, to analyze sign and symptoms, causes, effects of pneumonia. Study also aims to examine people’s knowledge, ideas awareness regarding pneumonia diseases and also measures to be taken to prevent it. 




Studied published papers on present scenario of pneumonia Diseases and the awareness of pneumonia diseases that are published at authorized journals.  After that, this survey study were based on sample of 500 in patients Who were diagnosed with pneumonia  diseases seeking care in Chittagong medical College Hospital, Bangladesh. A self reported questionnaire written in bangla and english was employed to collect data during this survey. Circulate the questionnaire through the patient’s guardians and data analysis and preparation of report according to the responses. 

This was the cross sectional, statement study that carried out in Chittagong Medical College and hospital, Bangladesh. After obtaining approval from the University authority, consulted and taken permission from the Managing Director of Chittagong Medical College hospital, started to conduct this survey study. Quantitative and qualitative information get from pneumonia patients hospitalized in Chittagong medical college, Hospital. This Survey indicates the present Patients health conditions, complications, possible sign, symptoms, causes, risk factors, and also which Drug are administered for pneumonia patients, how long to recover the patients from this diseases. This survey was also done by bodily going to places and asking questions to the patient guardians. Medical prescriptions, medications chart, and the hospital records were accessed in addition to matched with the patient data acquired through interview. The Survey was conducted from 23 October 2021 to 8 December 2021 total 7 weeks. Safety measures were taken during this survey and the results were prepared according to the responses.







This survey based on current scenario of pneumonia diseases by evaluating the awareness of the sign, symptoms, causes, preventions of pneumonia. Here the assessment has been done on the 500 responses that have been submitted by the patients and patient’s guardians.

Figure 1 show that out of 500 Study participants, 277 (55%) were male and 223 (45%) were female.  This Figure 2 shows that out of the 500 participants the economic condition of the rich- 40(8%), middle class- 160 (32%), and poor -300 (60%).  


Figure 3 shows that the participants were divided into categories based on their age differences. Most of the participants (n=385, 77%) were aged 0-1 years, (n=38, 8%) were aged 2-3 years, (n=25, 5%) were aged 3-4 years and the other participants were (n=52, 10%) were aged at 4- more years. It is well known that bacteria and viruses are the primary causes of pneumonia. Figure 4 shows that out of 500 participants patient guardians (335, 67%) replied positively and they know about it and (165, 33%) replied that they did not about it.

Figure 5 shows that out of 500 participants about (65, 13%) patients suffer from pneumonia due to intake of cigarettes, patients were (292, 44%) suffer from due to bacterial infections, patients were (123, 25%) suffers from pneumonia due to Fungi infection, and patients were (90, 18%) suffer from this diseases due to infection of liquor. It’s true that patients of all ages can get pneumonia. with that said, Figure 6 shows that some were more at risk than others like alcohol abuser were (50, 10%), malnourished people were (27, 5%), Smokers were (162, 32 %), and none of the above this category were (262, 52%) out of 500 participants.

Having pneumonia is not a joke; it makes more complications in our human body. Figure 7 shows that Patients were get sick (6%), Patients with suffer weaken immune system (29%), and also causes death were (10%), and most of patients face all of the effects were (55%) due to pneumonia diseases out of 500 participants. Figure 8 shows that the possible symptoms of pneumonia were typical cold which we found (27%), coughing which were (19%), Shortness of breathing were (19%), and the most common symptoms were fever which we found (35%), out of 500 participants.  Figure 9 shows that another symptom we found in pneumonia patients that was chest pain were (22%), feel tired most common symptoms which were (44%), shaking symptoms of patients which were found (15%), and vomiting which occurs (19%) out of 500 participants.      

By getting well and prevention of pneumonia diseases doctor suggests patients some proper rules which we found in this figure, this steps were vaccinated (40%), exercising (12%), practicing good health (41%), and also eating healthy foods which were (7%) out of 500 participants (Figure 10).




This is the brief study conducted in Chittagong Medical College Hospital that assessed pneumonia patients to recovery complications. Most plaintiffs did not recognize about signs and symptoms of the pneumonia. For few who have received about the pneumonia, causes were mainly attributed to the coming into the contact with icy temperature in several forms. Management practices frequently were the self-treatment with the home remedies in addition to allopathic care. Adequate measures requisites to be yielded to create awareness to the improve maintenance seeking behavior. The lower consciousness and inadequate acknowledgment of the pneumonia implies that distressed. Children cannot receive rapid and suitable treatment as their caregiver can misdiagnose illness. Adequate measures requirements to be also taken to create needed consciousness to improve better care seeking behavior. It assumes that outcomes of this research work will exertion as the baseline for the future studies in same context.




All authors co-wrote the article and reviewed the results and were performed the survey for it. 




We would like to thanks the authority of University of Science and Technology Chittagong for giving us the permission to fulfill this survey. We would also like to thanks the authority of Chattogram Diabetic General Hospital, Bangladesh for giving me the opportunity to get the smooth data collection for my project.




No conflict of interest is associated with this work.




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