Complaints and Appeals

UJPR makes every effort to support the scientific community in its quest for advancement; we gladly accept recommendations and properly handle complaints. Please notify us right away if you discover any improper processing, misconduct, or behaviors that deviate from polite and academic behavior.

  • Complaints may pertain to several issues, such as:
  • Duplicate publishing
  • Plagiarism,
  • False data,
  • Authorship,
  • Conflicts of interest,
  • Ethical problem with the manuscript from authors, reviewers, and even the readers.

Send us  email at "" with "Suggestions" or "Complaints" in the subject line, or whatever better fits your need. Please provide a concise, well-written explanation of your position, supported by examples of occurrences.

You will receive a prompt response acknowledging receipt of your email and our comprehension of the matter raised in your letter. The assistant editor will personally follow up with the case at any appropriate offices, officers, or committees to ensure that it is addressed and acted upon appropriately once you have verified that we have understood your arguments. The editorial board committee will discuss the initial complaint case and the list of findings from the assistant editor's inquiry in order to determine the appropriate course of action Typically, you should receive a response in less than a week that includes a detailed account of the case's handling. We believe in our corresponding values and rights, and an ethical mutual relationship.

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