Editorial Removal Policy

UJPR is dedicated to advancing medical and biological knowledge through the publication of high-quality, peer-reviewed research. Recognizing the pivotal role of the Editorial Board in upholding the journal’s standards, this policy was crafted to provide an open and fair framework for addressing instances that could result in the removal of an Editorial Board member.

The Editorial Board Member Removal Policy's objective

This policy's main goal is to set forth the steps and requirements for the possible removal of Editorial Board members, making sure that such decisions are made carefully and in accordance with ethical and professional standards. The policy addresses various reasons for dismissal, such as ethical misconduct, ineffectiveness, professional misconduct, and, notably, association with predatory journals and publishers.

Reasons for Dismissal

Ethical Misconduct

Plagiarism: Any documented case of plagiarism committed by an Editorial Board member is considered a serious breach of ethical standards. Plagiarism undermines the integrity of the journal and the broader academic community, warranting immediate removal.

Conflict of Interest: Editorial Board members are expected to disclose and manage conflicts of interest to maintain the impartiality of the editorial process. Failure to do so may cause removal to safeguard the journal’s objectivity.

Breach of Confidentiality: Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information related to submitted manuscripts or editorial discussions is strictly prohibited. A breach of confidentiality may lead to removal, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the integrity of the peer-review process.


Failure to Fulfill Responsibilities: Editorial Board members play a crucial role in the editorial decision-making process and the assessment of manuscripts. Persistent failure to fulfill these responsibilities removal could be necessary to preserve the efficiency and quality of the editorial process.

Violation of Journal Policies: Consistently violation of the journal’s policies, encompassing peer review, ethical standards, and conflicts of interest, can lead to dismissal. Adherence to established policies is crucial for preserving the journal’s credibility.

Misconduct by Professionals

Unprofessional behavior: Any behavior that is unworthy of an Editorial Board member, such as discrimination, harassment, or any other unacceptable behavior, may result in dismissal. A professional and respectful environment is essential for the success of the editorial process.

Misuse of Position: It is completely forbidden to misuse the editorial position in order to further personal agendas or for personal gain. Any such misuse may result in dismissal. It is the responsibility of editors to act in the journal's and the scientific community's best interests.

Participation in Predatory Publications and Journals

Definition and justification: Predatory journals and publishers take advantage of the academic publishing system by exploiting the academic publishing system. Editorial Board members associated with these organizations are a serious threat to the standards of scholarly publishing integrity and could damage the UJPR's standing.

Evaluation Criteria: Members of the Editorial Board will be assessed for any affiliation, collaboration, or association with publishers or journals that are known to engage in predatory behavior. This includes participating in conferences hosted by predatory organizations, writing publications, and serving on editorial boards.

Implications and Consequences: Involvement with predatory journals or publishers seriously violates ethical standards. Such involvement may lead to the dismissal of the Editorial Board member. This choice was made with the intention of upholding the highest ethical publication standards and preserving the UJPR's reputation.

Removal Procedures

Initial Investigation

Submission of Complaints: The Editor-in-Chief may receive formal complaints from any party against any member of the Editorial Board, including authors, staff, and members of the Editorial Board. This transparent process guarantees that issues are resolved quickly.

Preliminary Evaluation: To ascertain the complaint's merit, the Editor-in-Chief will perform a preliminary evaluation. An official investigation will be launched if the complaint is found to be credible. This step is crucial for filtering out frivolous complaints.

Formal Investigation

Establishment of the Investigation Committee: A committee composed of unbiased Editorial Board members will be established to conduct an investigation. The committee makes sure that the allegations are evaluated fairly and impartially.

Opportunity to Respond: The accused Editorial Board member will be provided with a fair opportunity to respond to the allegations and present any evidence in their defense. This step ensures an exhaustive and well-informed judgment.

Evidence Gathering: The Investigation Committee will collect and review all relevant evidence, including correspondence, reviews, and other documentation. This rigorous process is essential for a comprehensive and informed judgment.

Making Decisions

Committee Deliberation: The Investigation Committee will deliberate on the evidence and make a recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief. The committee’s collective judgment ensures a well-rounded assessment of the situation.

Editor-in-Chief’s Decision: Based on the recommendation of the Investigation Committee, the Editor-in-Chief will make the ultimate decision. Depending on severity of the violation, the decision can entail removal, remedial steps, or disciplinary consequences.

Notifications and Reminders

Notification of Decision: The accused Editorial Board member will be promptly notified of the decision. Transparency in communication is crucial to ensure accountability and maintain trust in the editorial process.

Appeals Procedure: In the event that the accused party feels that the verdict was unfair, they will have the opportunity to file an appeal through a formal procedure. Fairness and a reconsideration mechanism are offered by the appeals procedure.

Repercussions and Replacements


Immediate Actions: Depending on the severity of the violation, the dismissal may be effective immediately to mitigate any ongoing harm to the journal’s reputation. Prompt action highlights how urgently major misbehavior must be addressed.

Publication of Misconduct: To ensure accountability and transparency, instances of removal pertaining to professional or ethical misconduct may be made publicly known. This publishing acts as a warning against possible misconduct.

Replacement Procedures

Interim Appointments: To maintain continuity in the editing process in the event of the removal of an editing Board member, an interim appointment may be made. The selection of this appointment will be based on factors such as experience, diversity, and fit with the objectives of the journal.

Permanent Replacement: The permanent replacement of the removed Editorial Board member will follow a rigorous nomination and selection process outlined in the Editorial Recruitment Policy. This process ensures new appointments maintain the high standards set by UJPR.

Constant Enhancement

Review of Policies 

Regular Review: This Editorial Board Member Dismissal Policy will undergo regular reviews to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Reviews will consider changes in the scholarly publishing landscape and emerging best practices.

Stakeholder Feedback: Feedback from stakeholders, including Editorial Board members, authors, and readers, will be actively sought during policy reviews. Involving stakeholders ensures that the policy reflects the evolving needs and expectations of the academic community.