Proposal for a special Issue

We are planning to publish a number of Special Issues for this Journal. Proposals for these Special Issues from renowned scholars and researchers are invited.  Your proposal should be within the scope of the journal (see ‘about the journal’ section for the scope). The Chief Editor or Editorial Office will extend an invitation to you to serve as the LEAD GUEST EDITOR for your special issue if your proposal is approved.

Benefits from Special Issue

Articles published in special issues get more citations thus raising awareness about topics in the journal.
It gives an opportunity to new authors to participate and submit their work.
The reach for 'call for papers' increases tremendously.
It allows us to experiment with unusual topics and increases innovation in publishing.
Provides a strong platform to authors to develop new research proposals.
The journal's scope is expanded by including newly emerging fields in a special edition.


Benefits & Responsibilities of Guest editor

Guest editors are in charge of special issues.The responsibility of the guest editor is to invite colleagues from the area related to the special issue. The first step should be to cross-reference the document with the broad assessments covered in the first heading. The Guest Editor has the authority to make the ultimate decision on the paper or to suggest a course of action to the Editor in Chief. The decision should remain secret and the guest editor should not reveal it in any other way. We are ready to share collected APC with all editors in order to inspire them.

The following are suggested duties for the Guest Editor-in-Chief:

  1. You may like to invite 2-3 qualified Guest Editors for your special issue.Alternatively, you may work as sole Guest Editor-in-Chief for your issue.
    2. You need to draft a one-page call for papers with input from the other guest editors and have the journal's chief editor approve it.
    3. You need to arrange timely, quality controlled OPEN peer review for the submitted manuscripts by following UJPR peer review policy. You will be provided all kinds of draft letters, required for the peer review communications. Once final decision is made, you need to forward the accepted final manuscript to the editorial office for other pre-publication procedures
    4. You need to write an editorial (along with the other Guest Editors, (if you have)) to be published in your Special Issue.
    5. Editorial office staff will be always available for you for any administrative and editorial assistance to make the whole process seamless and enjoyable.

The Special Issue Proposal's Structure

The following details have to be included in the Special Issue proposal.

  1. Introduction/Overview: Description of general topic and overall theme with sufficient background material easily understood by specialists outside the area, as well as data highlighting the growth of the area.
  2. Importance of topic: Description of why the proposed Special Issue will be important to a broad audience from different specialties.
  3. Guest Editors biographical information: The biographical details of the guest editors: Guest Editor biographies are included along with short selection of exemplary publications in the field.
  4. Overview of proposed papers: List of the papers, including titles and abstracts, and biographies of lead authors.
  5. Tentative schedule: The time frame for each stage of the Special Issue development including the deadlines for first submission, completion of the review process, final paper submission, as well as expected publication date.
  6. Check list for the proposal:
    1. Name and affiliation of the Lead Guest Editor (and other guest editors (if any))
    2. The scope and list of topic of the proposed issue
    3. Background of the special issue.
    4. Suggested deadline of manuscript submission and suggested publication month of the Special Issue

Kindly send 1. Proposal and 2. Detailed CV with complete publication list to