Editorial Recruitment Policy

The UJPR is dedicated to advancing medical and biological knowledge by publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed research. With a commitment to excellence, UJPR recognizes the critical role of the Editorial Board in maintaining the standards of the journal. The guidelines and practices controlling the selection, appointment, and administration of Editorial Board members are described in this document, which is the Editorial Recruitment Policy and Regulations.

The Editorial Recruitment Policy's objective

Establishing an open and methodical process for the appointment of Editorial Board members is the main goal of this policy. UJPR aims to ensure the highest standards of academic excellence, ethical conduct, and diversity within its editorial processes. This policy aims to preserve the authority and significance of the journal by providing explicit guidelines, protocols, and standards.

Editorial Board Composition

Organizational Structure

The Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, and Editorial Board Members comprise the UJPR Editorial Board. The efficiency of handling submissions is enabled by this hierarchical architecture, which also preserves the integrity and caliber of the peer-review process. The structure of the organization is intended to promote teamwork, dialogue, and group decision-making.

Criteria for Editorial Board Members

Expertise: Members of the Editorial Board should have high level of expertise in biological and medical research. This includes a strong track record of scholarly contributions, involvement in research communities, and a thorough comprehension of the nuances of their particular professions.

Academic Credentials: A Ph.D. or its equivalent in a subject pertinent to the journal's scope is the minimum qualification for membership in the Editorial Board. Individuals who have made considerable contributions to the subject and have a great deal of practical expertise may be granted an exception. 

Publication Record: The editorial board members are  expected to have a substantial and impactful publication record in reputable journals. This criterion ensures that participants have an established history of generating high quality research.

Reviewing Experience: Candidates that have a track record of actively evaluating articles for reputable journals will be given preference. This experience demonstrates the capacity to participate in the rigorous peer-review process and offer helpful criticism.

Diversity and Inclusion: UJPR committed to promote diversity and inclusion on its Editorial Board members. The journal recognizes the value of diverse perspectives and seeks members from various backgrounds, including gender, ethnicity, region, and area of study.

Commitment to Ethical Standards: Members of Editorial Boards are expected to have a strong commitment to maintaining the highest ethical standards in publishing and research. This includes a thorough understanding of issues related to plagiarism, authorship, conflicts of interest, and data integrity.

Recruitment Process

Procedures for Nominations

Current Editorial Board members, researchers in the field, or through self-nomination, may submit nominations. This strategy guarantees a broad and varied pool of possible candidates.

Nomination Documentation: A complete application package, consisting of a resume, a statement of interest, and recommendation letters, must be submitted by nominees. The aforementioned documentation offers crucial information regarding the nominee's qualifications and appropriateness for the editorial position.

Process of Review and Selection

Initial Screening: To determine whether a nomination satisfies UJPR's requirements, the Editorial Board will first screen it. At this point, the nominee's credentials and potential contributions to the journal are carefully examined.,

Evaluation Criteria: The evaluation procedure will take into account the nominee's experience, training, publications, experience as a reviewer, dedication to diversity, and ethical standards. These standards provide a baseline for evaluating candidates' suitability. These criteria provide a baseline for evaluating candidates' suitability.

Interview Procedure

Interview Panel: Shortlisted candidates may be asked for an interview with the Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, relevant Editorial Board members and head of publishing. The interview panel ensures a comprehensive evaluation of the candidate’s qualifications, outlook, and alignment with UJPR's objectives.

Assessment: During the interview, the candidate's comprehension of the journal's scope, their approach to addressing ethical dilemmas, and their vision for UJPR's future will be evaluated. The goal of this approach is to guarantee that the Editorial Board members share the values and goals of the publication.

Editorial Board Deliberation: Taking into account the interview panel's recommendations, the Editorial Board will discuss and decide which new members to add finally.  This technique of group decision-making guarantees a comprehensive evaluation of every applicant.

Editor-in-Chief Decision: The choice of new Editorial Board members will ultimately be made by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief’s role is pivotal in maintaining consistency.

Notification and appointment

Decision Notification: Candidates will be informed of the outcome as soon as possible, and those who are selected for appointment will get an official letter of appointment. In addition to ensuring transparency, this correspondence starts the onboarding procedure for new members of the Editorial Board. 

Orientation session: To acquaint themselves with UJPR's policies, procedures, and expectations, new members of the Editorial Board will participate in an orientation session. Through this approach, new members are seamlessly integrated into the editorial workflow.

Terms of Service

Duration of Term

Initial Term

Editors are normally appointed to the Editorial Board for a one-year term that can be extended with mutual consent. A framework for continuity is provided by the initial term duration, which also permits periodic reassessment.

Criteria for Renewal: Renewal is dependent on the editor's work output, involvement in the journal, adherence to ethical standards, and the evolving needs of the UJPR. This criterion ensures that the Editorial Board remains dynamic and aligned with the journal’s objectives.

Assessment of Performance 

Annual Evaluation: Each year, the Editorial Board members' contributions and efficacy will be evaluated through a performance assessment. This systematic evaluation ensures that members consistently meet the journal’s expectations.

Evaluation Criteria: The evaluation will consider factors such as the number and quality of reviews, involvement in editorial decisions, responsiveness, and adherence to ethical guidelines. These criteria provide a holistic assessment of each member’s performance.

Responsibilities and Expectations

Manuscript Review: Members of the Editorial Board are expected to review manuscripts in a timely and comprehensive manner, providing constructive feedback to authors. This responsibility is fundamental to maintaining the quality of published articles.

Editorial Decision-Making: To ensure adherence to UJPR's standards, editors actively participate in the decision-making process. They play a critical role in maintaining the journal's reputation for making fair and rigorous editorial decisions.

Ethical Oversight: Editorial Board members play a crucial role in upholding ethical standards, addressing issues such as plagiarism, authorship disputes, and conflicts of interest. Their ethical oversight contributes to the overall integrity of the UJPR.

Engagement with Authors: Editors encouraged to engage with authors to improve the quality of submissions and contribute to the development of the field. This engagement fosters a collaborative and constructive relationship between authors and the Editorial Board.

Promotion of the Journal: Editorial Board members expected to promote UJPR within their professional networks, enhancing efforts.

Participation in Predatory Publications and Journals

Definition: Predatory journals and publishers engage in deceptive practices, compromising the integrity of scholarly publishing. Editorial Board members associated with such entities may pose a risk to UJPR’s reputation.

Justification: UJPR committed to maintaining ethical publishing standards. Involvement with predatory journals or publishers contradicts this commitment and may lead to removal from the Editorial Board. This strict stance is essential to protect the integrity of the UJPR.

Criteria for Assessment

Evaluation Standards: Editors on the Board are evaluated for any connections, cooperation, or endorsements with publishers or journals that are known to engage in predatory behavior. This includes participating in conferences hosted by predatory organizations, writing publications, and sitting on editorial boards. The assessment criteria provide a clear benchmark for determining potential conflicts.

Consequences and Implications:

Membership in predatory journals or publishers carries the risk of dismissal from the Editorial Board. The decision is based on the dedication to uphold the most stringent ethical publication standards and to protect UJPR's reputation. The consequences are clearly outlined to emphasize the severity of such associations.

Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Recognizing the dynamic nature of the scholarly landscape, UJPR committed to regularly reviewing and updating this policy to stay current with evolving standards and best practices. This commitment ensures that the Editorial Board remains effective and aligned with the journal’s mission. The commitment to continuous improvement underscores UJPR’s dedication to maintaining its position as a reputable and impactful journal.