
  • Dr. Grace I Adebayo-Gege Department of Human Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Bingham University, PMB 005 Auta-Baleefi, Nassarawa State, Nigeria.


Dr. Grace I Adebayo-Gege


Firstly, I send my regards to all members of the Editorial Board for the hard work, consistency and visions to achieve great and good goals. UJPR, a recognized international and indexed Journal in many locations, been able to obtain impact factor within few year via our open channel of publishing updated information in the pharmaceutical sciences, also publishing multidisciplinary articles which encompasses both the basic and molecular studies / researches. It is very nice to see that, in last yrs, in UJPR articles of different countries including Nigeria, Yemen, India, Cameroon, Egypt, China, Pakistan, Iran, Malaysia, Sudan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, USA, West Indies, Iraq, Turkey and Nepal. Hope in coming years many other researchers will show their interest in publication with UJPR.UJPR has a bright future, by maintaining its quality standards it will achieve more success to be indexed in the Scopus and Thomson Reuters; I therefore encourage all authors to prepare and submit their manuscripts to our journal and also adhere strictly to the journal instructions to avoid any delay.

I wish us more success as UJPR climbs the ladder of great achievement with hard work, persistence, and focus.


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How to Cite

Adebayo-Gege, D. G. I. “Message”. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 4, no. 4, Sept. 2019,


