
  • Dr. Nuray Arı Ankara University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacology, Ankara, Turkey.




Welcome to the new issue of Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (UJPR). In this issue we have received articles from different authors of Brazil, China, Italy, Nigeria, Sudan, Turkey, Yemen. UJPR is a peer reviewed, open access and online journal in English language for the enhancement of research in different areas of pharmaceutical sciences. The journal welcomes articles in this multidisciplinary field. The aim of the UJPR is to give a highly readable and valuable addition to the literature which will serve as an indispensable reference tool for years to come. The editorial team from many countries works hard to enhance the quality of the journal. The UJPR continues to improve with time  and  I am sure the journal will get indexing with some more reputable  indexing services in the near future. I hope you enjoy this issue and  wish you a joyful reading. As always, we welcome your feedback and submissions.

Unfortunately, the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)  is disrupting universities and research institutes across the world and the damage to science is big. But some institutions are also working very hard to find out how the disease can be stopped and its effects mitigated.  Our best hope is to slow the spread of the virus as far as possible. Scientists are developing new drugs against virus but the only way to actually prevent people from catching COVID-19 is with a vaccine and we don’t yet have it. 

Stay safe,


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How to Cite

Arı, D. N. “Message”. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 5, no. 3, July 2020,




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